In this new flash parody of Left 4 Dead, I play as Bill. This is the first time I've ever played an old man, and not to mention, the first flash cartoon that I'm in, that topped the daily charts. Notice how I sound NOTHING at all like the original voice of Bill in this one. But then again, that wasn't what I was aiming for. I tried something a little deeper and a tad similar to that of the original VA of the game. Probably one of my most challenging roles ever as amateur voice actor. Good times though!
After watching it a couple of times, I can honestly say that this is perhaps one of the funniest Left 4 Dead parodies I've ever seen, next to the current front page L4D parody, Left 4 Speed. Hnilmik's performance as Zoey is in fact, the highlight of this entire cartoon...I shit you not. Well, she did have the most lines out of all of us in the cast, but that's not the point. The funniest part of the cartoon, was when Zoey tells everyone to go fuck off, 'cept for the Boomer, at the end of the bit. Great job out there Kim! Lots of kudos to you!
If you want to check it out, you may click here or just go to the link on my list of Flash Submissions below. It ain't hard to miss! Thank you very much johnathan-wrathborne, for having me aboard this project! I had a ton of fun, with my role as Bill. And to the rest of the cast, you guys did awesome! Hope to work with some of you guys in the near future! Peace with the two fingers!
Alright boys...LET'S ALL GET HIGH!!!! XD
- Craig Juan