Well yesterday I took a short tour around the "Voice Acting Academy", which happens to be the house of James Alburger. I know what you're thinking..."a voice acting workshop at a house?!". At first I thought it was a little weird too. But as soon as I got the tour, I knew from there on, it was the real thing. On some rooms, there are offices on each corner, a booth with a mic and all sorts of tapes of recorded material, and a large room with recording equipment. He even showed me some of the Grammy Awards that he received over the past 20 to 30 years for the technical work he has done. I knew from over there, that I will be trained by the best. Here's hoping that I will improve in the coming years, because I intend to get better every year.
Besides all that, I've been busy trying to get lines in for each of the people that I'm working with, including the lines for the fifth and final episode or Resident Evil Pwanchi. To those that I owe lines to, hang tight! I got a whole lot in my plate as of right now. But rest assured, I will get them done. And that's a promise. Otherwise, that's all I gotta talk about. Take care everybody!
- Ryuta-kun/BlueSentaiHero
Thats so cool! Love your work in RE:P, :)
Why thank you very much!
Wow...this post is at least 10 months old. I gotta start updating a little more often!